Sunday, May 18, 2008

Saya ikutan lomba SEO looo

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  1. The AMD Athlon Processors History
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  2. Pembentukan Tim Cegah Satwa Punah Indonesia
    Seperti yang saya utarakan di postingan sebelumnya mengenai semboyan Cegah Satwa Punah yaitu upaya membentuk kesadaran masyarakat Indonesia untuk menghilangkan kebiasaan memburu dan membunuh satwa langka yang ada di Indonesia memang hendaknya pemerintah semakin tegas terhadap hal tersebut bagaimana tidak karena jumlah populasi yang kian menipis tersebut memang sudah sangat memprihatinkan salah satu usulan dari saya pribadi adalah membentuk sebuah tim yang mungkin diberi nama Tim Cegah Satw...
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  3. Time Zone Problem with Agendus WIN Desktop 5. 2 and Agendus Palm 12. 07
    After upgrading both my PDA Tungsten T5 to palm centro and both Agendus Palm Pro and Agendus Win Palm Desktop versions 12. 07 and 5. 2 I find that all of my old datebook entries are 6 hours early when viewed with Agendus Win. continue palm centro Palm Centro ScreenGuardz Ultra Slim Screen Protectors Pack of 15 List price USD 11. 99 Our price USD 11. 99 Palm Centro Car Charger List price USD 6. 00 Our price USD 6. 00 Seidio Ultimate Screen Guard for Palm Centro List price USD 5. 95 O...
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  4. Where Oh Where Did Patches Go?
    Source Customization and personalization within the workplace environment is something that just cannot be ignored these days. Customization is an increasingly popular part of just about any of the many uniform programs in the world. Patches just happen to be the solution for many employers or companies. These are easy to use easy to apply and offer all the benefits you would expect from a high end uniform program with customization that costs a lot more. There are many shapes when it come...
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  5. Does Decaffeination Take Away The Goodness Of Green Tea?
    Today Updates Green tea has traditionally been used by the Chinese in the treatment of various ailments. It is believed to be rich in constituents that help fight the deadliest of diseases including cancer. The major factor to be considered here is the presence of epigallocatechin gallate EGCG which is believed to be a powerful antioxidant and which helps in killing cancer cells without harming the other healthy cells. Green Tea rekindles the memories and follows the three Es like Enjoyment...
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  7. Price drop by 175. 00 on AT T FamilyTalk Nation 3000 Rollover Minutes palm Treo 680 Smartphone to 24. 99!
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