word for today "If one day" Had the sweetest dream last night perhaps for now. Though dream is way beyond the reality still saya suka. My sleep kind of peaceful though maybe because I read those ayat ayat suci. Saya ada cerita to share with. On my way back home I went back recalling the past again. Back then I used to active and now not! iatah getting plump everyday. I used to play any sort of thing that boys did flying kites soccer with my cousins fishing. Once I caught this qui...
[ continue - harimau ]
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You're really upset who is the first person you went to? mostly being alone is what used to do If someone liked you right now would you want them to tell you? dont bother. coz the last person who did dat to me i ended getting hurt he was happily doing something else. so yeah ' Does it matter to you if your boyfriend girlfriend smokes? not soo.. Can you do a split? but i practice almost everyday to get it perfect Do you get along better with guys or girls? Both...
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